To add yourself to the admin list you must first register an account
with /register [password] then login, then log into rcon then type
/agiveadmin [playerid] [level] -=(0 = no admin/1 = min admin/2 = full
* [CBK]$$$PiMp's SFTDM Reloaded Script and Car Ownership Script - By -=tAxI=- * For BUSINESS help please type /bizhelp. * For CELLPHONE help please type /cellhelp. * For BANK commands please type /bankhelp. * For VEHICLE commands, please type /vehiclehelp. * For ADMIN commands, please type /adminhelp. * For GENERAL commands, please type /commands. * For TELEPORT commands, please type /telehelp. * All your stats are saved permanently, including your own car and business! * Type /credits to see a list of the ppl who contributed to this script.
* ---------- General Commands ---------- * To See the server rules type /rules * You can use the /register and /login commands once you have spawned and /setpass to change your password. * To see what admins are online type /admins * To start a countdown type /count [time] * To slap another player type /slap [player id] [object] * To clear the Chat type /clear * Team Chat - /t [message]
Admin help
* ---------- Admin Help ---------- * There are 2 levels of admin: * Level 1 admin help part A - /ahelp1a * Level 1 admin help part B - /ahelp1b * Level 2 admin help - /ahelp2
Admin Commands lvl 1 Part A
* ---------- Admin Help (level 1 part A) ---------- * Use Admin Chat - /achat [message]
* Activate/Deactivate Vehicle admin security - /asecurekick or
/aunsecure - kicks (out the car) anyone entering the vehicle who is not
admin/moderator. * Activate/Deactivate Vehicle admin security -
/asecurekill or /aunsecure - kills anyone entering the vehicle who is
not admin/moderator. * Jail or Unjail a player - /ajail [player id] or /aunjail [player id] * Teleport anyone to any other person - /atele [teleportee id] [destination id] * Clear Chat for All - /clearall
Admin Commands lvl 1 Part B
* ---------- Admin Help (level 1 part B) ---------- * Kick a player - /akick [player id] * Disarm a player - /adisarm [player id] * Murder a player - /akill [player id] * Make an announcement - /aannounce [message] * Give player money - /agivemoney [player id] [amount] * Freeze or Unfreeze a player - /afreeze [player id] or /aunfreeze [player id]
Admin Commands lvl 2
* ---------- Admin Help (level 2) ---------- * You are able to use all of the level one command and also the following: * Ban a player - /aban [player id] * Set a vehicle to buyable and unbuyable - /cbuy & /cunbuy * Set a business to buyable and unbuyable - /bbuy & /bunbuy * Reset any vehicle or business owned in-game - /asellcar & /asellbiz
* Set player admin level - /asetadmin [player id] [admin level] :: (0 -
no admin <> 1 - moderator <> 2 - full admin) * Get detailed player information - /astats [playerid]